🔻Let's see... Where to begin...

(Please bear with me as I learn this thing because I've never really done any sort of blogging before.)

Welcome to the Alterna Archive, the purpose is basically written. It's a casual(?) holding place for all things Project Oronia, as well as just... Updates on any other projects that I may be working on.

So. Project Oronia. What is it?

Oronia is a bit of a long festered personal project of mine that is mostly just a story comprised of 12 (not super long) parts. The original goal was to make these parts into Video Games (The dream of a 16 year old me.), but honestly I don't much care for the format so long as I get the story out there and hopefully enjoyed. I've been learning mediums other than game design to settle this desire. (granted I'm barely fit to be called a game designer anyways, as I have zero experience, which, I know, will immediately turn some people off.)

About me: I AM Alterna Enjin. Sometimes called Altenjin for short, Sometimes Takotenjin because I like octopi and think they're cute (also tasty), sometimes simply K or K+ because my oldest handle was Potassium and I found it a neat name cause I was and always will be a nerd. I highly doubt someone from a little place called Iwaku will ever make it here and stumble upon this post, but who knows, I am "Ser K+" as it were, I was a little cringe sometimes, I was young, I am older now.

I am growing to be a sort of "jack of all trades", though I really should have heeded the rest of the saying. I'm an ok artist with 2 years of semi serious improvement, an ok midi musician, a fairly good story teller, a budding 3d artist, an ok but lazy animator, an indie hopping voice actor, a cook, a kinda cracked gamer, unfortunately have friends, am also yellow belt, a-

You get it, I do too much, and as a result of not focusing on one thing, I'm ok at all of them. 

I'm trying to cut back a little...

I'm sure things will be a mess but...

I'm going to make a game, among other things. This blog is for documenting my progress, having fun, and kinda just life stuff that goes along with that. Please be good to me, I have a weak heart.


  1. I was re-reading this a few minutes ago, and it occurred to me that I've actually been listening to some of your music lately. Whenever I'm waiting for something, idly working, etc., I'll usually listen to a song I downloaded on my phone, and as it turns out today, I was listening to something you composed that I downloaded a long while back.

    From one composer/dev to another, I know you've got what it takes to make something worth experiencing. I'll try to check this blog often to see how progress is coming. Good luck on your endeavors! 😃


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